dissabte, 7 de febrer del 2015

LOGS divendres 6 de febrer de 2015

6803,00 1720 R.Pink Panther, E, pop dance in sesssion,  24322
6285,00 1800 R.Focus Int, E, Katryna and the Waves,pops, jingle, dance rock 24332
6320,00 1803 R.HitMix, G, country girl closing down  24322
6267,00 1814 Black Bandit R, D, schlager, pops, country, ballad 34433
6254,00 1820 R.Marabu, G, jingle, ID, ballad, female DJ 24322
6380,00 1825 R.Zwarte Panter, D, ballad, 24322
4026,00 1920 LHH,E, Luther Bandros, jingle, ballad, ID, email, Starship. rock ballad 24332