divendres, 3 de maig del 2013

LOGS dijous 2 de maig de 2013

6295,00 1825 R.Black Arrow, E, Humberto Tozzi,ID greets to listeners, Ballad girl, The Who,  greets from Sander to Silveri , The Stranglers closing down 24232
6326,00 1850 R.Caroline Int, E, ID, pop rock, dance 24232
6990LSB 2125 Baltic Sea R, E, ID; jingle, La Bamba, greets to dxers,email, Hard rock,  25442
4029,00  2130  LHH, E, rock girl, ballad ID 24322
6290,00  2135 Odynn R,Twente, E, rock and roll, ID, thanking for reports, jingle, email, When you are in love  with a beautiful woman,  Bee Gees,  24332