dissabte, 24 d’octubre del 2009

LOGS divendres 23 d'octubre de 2009

6870,00 1550 R.Playback Int, E, rock, live show by Chris Ise, Phil Collins,jingle,pops,Roy Orbison
6925USB 2020 Spider R, E, pops, ID, Michael Jackson,jingle 24222
1655,00 2028 R.Barones,D,rock and roll, ID; pops, greets to Mi Amigo 24322
6945,00 2055 R.Jan van Gent,D, german polka by accordion,talks 24322
1641,00 2105 unid, Gr, local ballad by woman 24432
1711,00 2107 unid, Gr, Abracadabra, talks 24422
1665,00 2140 R.Relmus, D,E, talks, polka, pop, reading my own report, San Francisco 24422
1638,00 2215 R.Euromast,D, Dire Straits, hello, pops 24422
1629,00 2220 unid, Gr, traditional by duet, also by male 24432